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Is blood sugar a mystery to you? Do you know someone impacted by diabetes?

7 Simple Steps (and an example recipe below) to create a salad bursting with color, flavor, & nutrition! From Gal to Gal – some of the best food advice you can give and receive is to EAT THE RAINBOW. Literally. Why? Because diversifying your meal with 4-5 colors is like eating a multivitamin in a […]

Read on for DEETS on this SUPER delish treat! Calling all chocoholics – GOOD NEWS – you can be healthy and still eat chocolate! And this is one of our FAV superfood treats.  Fun fact: Theobroma Cacao translates to “food of the Gods” in Greek! So we can literally eat like goddesses! There are a ton of […]

Community is an essential part of being human. It is defined by a group of people or fellowship with others, or simply stated, CONNECTION. Community is having someone look you in the eyes and listen to what you have to say. And we mean actually listen, with a heart of compassion sans judgement. It is […]

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