Rebuilding Community Post Pandemic

Community is an essential part of being human. It is defined by a group of people or fellowship with others, or simply stated, CONNECTION. Community is having someone look you in the eyes and listen to what you have to say. And we mean actually listen, with a heart of compassion sans judgement. It is having people show up for you. It is sharing laughter and tears, or even both which can be strange, but crazy cathartic. Community can revitalize your entire soul even in the depths of heartbreak and sadness. It is powerful. Most of us can acknowledge this. And yet, why are so many still choosing their screens over face-to-face interactions post-pandemic?

This is a no judgment zone – so if that’s you, a serial scroller (sometimes that is every one of us!) we get it and we are here to support you. TBH – social media did do a lot to keep us connected during COVID-19. And we love to connect on a variety of platforms! And yet, there is immense value to rebuilding tangible, authentic, and REAL-LIFE connections beyond the short-term dopamine hits that come from scrolling the Gram.

California family therapist, Maggi Jeffrey, works primarily with young adults and families. She says it is important to remember that many of us lost two years of valuable socialization, which changed every aspect of life for many.

“Two years of isolation took a toll on a lot of people. Especially those who already battled with anxiety and depression,” says Jeffrey. “Plus, younger families obviously struggled with having to stay home to educate their kids whilst also trying to maintain their jobs. They had to ditch their “personal time” just to survive.”

Now Jeffrey is encouraging others to get back out into the world, even if they do so slowly.

“I tell people not to put pressure on themselves. It is not easy. I suggest focusing on trying one new thing to get back out there. Like signing up to go to a new gym or taking a yoga class – something to help encourage healthy social skills.”

Like…joining us for a Wellness For Hou event? 😉 Absolutely!

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Gals enjoy sips, bites, and connection for a Galentines themed night of fun!

Houstonian and business owner, Andrea Nunn, explains it has been a difficult transition for her after feeling like her entire routine was removed for so long.

 “I honestly enjoy solitude, but for the most part it was really hard to re-adjust into everyday life post-pandemic. It took a while for me to adjust to big crowds and seeing people without masks,” says Nunn. “I’m an extrovert, but I had social anxiety for a few months. I was less likely to attend concerts, go to the movies, go to restaurants, or even attend work conferences because I would immediately get anxious.”

Even so, Nunn has put in the work to overcome her uncertainty. Now, this boss babe is spreading love to others and creating her own unique community. In February of 2023, Nunn launched Fete 832, an immersive art and entertainment space right here in Houston! In this safe and feel-good environment, anyone and everyone is an artist. She says she cherishes the opportunity to make memorable moments with others.

Integrative Nutrition Coach and Yoga/Meditation Instructor, Haley Fountain, says her business actually flourished during the pandemic.

“A lot of people started cooking more and especially when the “quarantine 15” set in, more people were open to trying holistic health programs to help them feel better. I had to switch to completely virtual meetings which was different for me, but I was able to adjust quickly!” Fountain explains.

Still, Fountain says the shift back to re-joining the world beyond the computer screen remains a challenge.

“I personally prefer in-person meetings and events, and I’ve tried to get back to doing more of them, but it feels like many people still want and prefer to do things virtually. So, slowly trying to shift that! People are also much busier now,” she adds. “During the pandemic, everyone had less to do so scheduling was much easier.”

We are so thankful that Haley is here in this community to provide much needed support and healing, and we love creating wellness experiences with her!

Amanda Field, Owner of The Yoga Triangle, says she enjoyed some isolation at the start of the pandemic as it allowed her to foster deeper and more meaningful connections.

“At some point into 2020, I really started missing being out in the community. Online classes just aren’t like in-person classes. I began to offer outdoor classes and pop-up markets and found my way into a space that felt both safe and open… And is it just me, or does anyone else feel like their social skills devolved during those years?”

NO BABE – you are not alone, many of us felt and still feel that!

Field adds, “Coming out of isolation, I found I had to really slow myself down to listen and fully connect. I am so glad we are back to in-person events and classes. God blessed me with some unique relationships and opportunities. I most value people. I value who they are and what they share with me when they show up. I really see how important short-term movements contribute to long term relationships. Patience, willingness, and kindness are so important.”

WE COULD NOT AGREE MORE. And we so love our collabs with this gal-pal entrepreneur!

Regardless of how you coped during the pandemic – maybe you lived your best virtual life, maybe you struggled just to pick up the phone. Maybe you landed on your feet, maybe you had to pull out the crash pad to brace for impact. The point is nobody came out of the pandemic completely unscathed. Our world changed dramatically. Many of us realized, there is so much we have absolutely ZERO control over. I do not know about you, but that actually gives me some comfort. I know that there is so much I do not know, so many mysteries. What I do know is, this: I cannot do this life alone. I need my people. I need others to be there for me and I want to be there for others. I know that kindness and love matter. And I know, we are social beings, and we NEED to find ways to connect so that we can thrive and protect our mental health.

You may already have an established community and if this is the case – CHEERS TO YOU! Maybe after a rough couple of years, you are craving a shake up and want to join a new community. We encourage you to take that leap of faith and get out of your comfort zone. The results might just change your life for the better.

Part of healing is coming together and building something real and meaningful. Wellness For Hou is also Wellness for YOU, and for all of us. By coming together as one, we find nourishment and purpose. We find ourselves in the sunshine, in convos over matcha lattes, in the blades of grass underneath our yoga mats, and more importantly – in one another. We learn together, grow together, and heal together – as a community. We hope you will join us. ❤

January 3, 2023